Mastering Sisense: How to Filter Categories of a Chart in Sisense
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Mastering Sisense: How to Filter Categories of a Chart in Sisense

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Are you tired of cluttered charts in Sisense? Do you want to gain valuable insights by filtering out unnecessary categories? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of filtering categories of a chart in Sisense. By the end of this article, you’ll be a pro at tailoring your charts to showcase only the most relevant data.

Understanding the Importance of Filtering Categories

In Sisense, charts are an essential component of data analysis. However, without proper filtering, your charts can quickly become overwhelming, making it challenging to extract meaningful insights. By filtering categories, you can:

  • Focus on specific segments of your data
  • Identify trends and patterns that might be hidden in a cluttered chart
  • Improve data visualization and make informed decisions

Preparation is Key: Setting Up Your Chart

Before diving into filtering categories, ensure you have a chart set up in Sisense with the following:

  1. A data source connected to your chart
  2. A dimension or category field selected
  3. A measure or aggregation field selected

If you’re new to Sisense, refer to their official documentation for setting up a chart from scratch.

Method 1: Filtering Categories Using the Filter Pane

The Filter Pane is an intuitive way to filter categories in Sisense. Follow these steps:

  1. Click on the chart you want to filter
  2. Locate the Filter Pane on the right-hand side of the screen
  3. Click on the “Add Filter” button
  4. Select the dimension or category field you want to filter
  5. Choose the desired filter type (e.g., “Select,” “Exclude,” or “Range”)
  6. Apply the filter by clicking “Apply” or pressing Enter

The chart will automatically update to reflect the filtered categories.

Method 2: Filtering Categories Using the Data Panel

The Data Panel offers another way to filter categories in Sisense. Here’s how:

  1. Click on the chart you want to filter
  2. Locate the Data Panel at the bottom of the screen
  3. Click on the “Filter” button next to the dimension or category field
  4. Select the desired filter type (e.g., “Select,” “Exclude,” or “Range”)
  5. Apply the filter by clicking “Apply” or pressing Enter

The chart will update to show only the filtered categories.

Method 3: Filtering Categories Using a Set-Based Filter

Set-based filters are a powerful way to filter categories in Sisense. Here’s how to create one:

  1. Click on the chart you want to filter
  2. Locate the Filter Pane on the right-hand side of the screen
  3. Click on the “Add Filter” button
  4. Select the dimension or category field you want to filter
  5. Click on the “Set” button next to the filter type
  6. Define the set using the Set Editor (e.g., “contains,” “starts with,” or “ends with”)
  7. Apply the filter by clicking “Apply” or pressing Enter

The chart will update to show only the filtered categories based on the set criteria.

Advanced Filtering: Using Formulas and Functions

Take your filtering skills to the next level by using formulas and functions in Sisense. For example:

= IF(category = "A", "Show", "Hide")

This formula will show only categories that match the value “A”. You can use various functions, such as:

  • CONTAINS to filter categories containing a specific string
  • STARTSWITH to filter categories starting with a specific string
  • ENDSWITH to filter categories ending with a specific string

For more advanced filtering techniques, refer to Sisense’s documentation on formulas and functions.

Top Tips and Best Practices

Tips & Best Practices Description
Use clear and concise filter names Helps you quickly identify the filter and its purpose
Organize filters using folders Keeps your filter list tidy and easy to navigate
Use the “Reset Filter” button Quickly resets the filter to its original state
Test and refine your filters Ensures accurate results and avoids data manipulation

By following these tips and best practices, you’ll become a master of filtering categories in Sisense.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve covered the three methods of filtering categories in Sisense: using the Filter Pane, Data Panel, and set-based filters. We’ve also explored advanced filtering techniques using formulas and functions. By applying these skills, you’ll be able to create tailored charts that provide actionable insights and drive data-driven decisions.

Remember, filtering categories is an essential step in data analysis. By mastering this skill, you’ll unlock the full potential of Sisense and take your business intelligence to the next level.

Happy filtering!

Frequently Asked Question

Got stuck while filtering categories of the chart in Sisense? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

How do I filter categories of a chart in Sisense?

To filter categories of a chart in Sisense, simply click on the filter icon next to the category field in the data panel. Then, select the specific categories you want to display on your chart. You can also use the search bar to quickly find specific categories.

Can I filter categories based on specific conditions?

Yes, you can! In Sisense, you can filter categories based on specific conditions using the advanced filter option. Click on the three-dot menu next to the category field and select “Advanced Filter”. Then, create your custom filter using the available operators and values.

How do I clear filters applied to categories?

To clear filters applied to categories, simply click on the filter icon next to the category field and select “Clear Filter”. This will remove all filters applied to the category, and your chart will display all available categories.

Can I filter categories across multiple charts?

Yes, you can! In Sisense, you can filter categories across multiple charts using the “Sync Filter” feature. This feature allows you to apply filters to multiple charts at once, saving you time and effort.

How do I save my filtered categories for future use?

To save your filtered categories for future use, click on the “Save” button in the top-right corner of the Sisense dashboard. Then, select “Save as” and choose “Filter” as the save type. Give your filter a name and description, and it will be saved for future use.

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