Solving the “"This expression is not constructable" Error in TypeScript Dynamic Property Selection
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Solving the “"This expression is not constructable" Error in TypeScript Dynamic Property Selection

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Are you tired of staring at the frustrating “"This expression is not constructable" error message in your TypeScript code? Do you feel like you’ve tried every possible solution, but nothing seems to work? Fear not, dear developer! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the world of dynamic property selection in TypeScript and provide you with clear, step-by-step instructions to overcome this pesky error once and for all.

What is Dynamic Property Selection in TypeScript?

Before we dive into the solution, let’s take a step back and understand what dynamic property selection is. In TypeScript, dynamic property selection allows you to access properties of an object using a string or a symbol. This is particularly useful when you need to dynamically determine which property to access based on some condition or user input.

interface MyObject {
  property1: string;
  property2: number;
  property3: boolean;

const obj: MyObject = {
  property1: 'hello',
  property2: 42,
  property3: true,

const propertyName = 'property2';
console.log(obj[propertyName]); // outputs 42

The “"This expression is not constructable" Error

Now, let’s talk about the error that’s been driving you crazy. The “"This expression is not constructable" error occurs when TypeScript is unable to statically determine the type of the property being accessed. This is often the case when using dynamic property selection.

interface MyObject {
  property1: string;
  property2: number;
  property3: boolean;

const obj: MyObject = {
  property1: 'hello',
  property2: 42,
  property3: true,

const propertyName: string = getPropertyFromSomewhere();
console.log(obj[propertyName]); // Error: "This expression is not constructable"

Solution 1: Using the `any` Type

One possible solution is to use the `any` type to bypass TypeScript’s type checking. While this may seem like an easy fix, it’s not recommended as it defeats the purpose of using TypeScript in the first place.

interface MyObject {
  property1: string;
  property2: number;
  property3: boolean;

const obj: MyObject = {
  property1: 'hello',
  property2: 42,
  property3: true,

const propertyName: string = getPropertyFromSomewhere();
console.log((obj as any)[propertyName]); // no error, but no type safety either

Solution 2: Using Type Assertions

A better approach is to use type assertions to tell TypeScript that you know what you’re doing. By using the `as` keyword, you can assert that the property exists on the object.

interface MyObject {
  property1: string;
  property2: number;
  property3: boolean;

const obj: MyObject = {
  property1: 'hello',
  property2: 42,
  property3: true,

const propertyName: string = getPropertyFromSomewhere();
console.log((obj as { [key: string]: unknown })[propertyName]); // no error

Solution 3: Using a String Union Type

Another approach is to use a string union type to specify the possible property names.

interface MyObject {
  property1: string;
  property2: number;
  property3: boolean;

const obj: MyObject = {
  property1: 'hello',
  property2: 42,
  property3: true,

type PropertyName = 'property1' | 'property2' | 'property3';

const propertyName: PropertyName = getPropertyFromSomewhere();
console.log(obj[propertyName]); // no error

Solution 4: Using a Mapped Type

A more advanced approach is to use a mapped type to create a new type that represents the object’s properties.

interface MyObject {
  property1: string;
  property2: number;
  property3: boolean;

const obj: MyObject = {
  property1: 'hello',
  property2: 42,
  property3: true,

type PropertyType = T[K];

const propertyName: keyof MyObject = getPropertyFromSomewhere();
console.log(obj[propertyName as keyof MyObject]); // no error

Best Practices

To avoid the “"This expression is not constructable" error in the future, follow these best practices:

  • Use type assertions or string union types to specify the possible property names.
  • Avoid using the `any` type whenever possible.
  • Use mapped types to create a new type that represents the object’s properties.
  • Keep your type definitions up-to-date and accurate.


In conclusion, the “"This expression is not constructable" error in TypeScript dynamic property selection can be frustrating, but it’s not insurmountable. By using one of the solutions outlined in this article, you can overcome this error and write more robust, type-safe code. Remember to follow best practices and keep your type definitions up-to-date to avoid similar issues in the future.

Solution Pros Cons
Using the `any` type Easy to implement No type safety, defeats the purpose of using TypeScript
Using type assertions Easy to implement, provides some type safety Requires manual maintenance, may lead to runtime errors
Using a string union type Provides strong type safety, easy to maintain Requires updates to the type definition when properties change
Using a mapped type Provides strong type safety, flexible, and maintainable May require advanced TypeScript knowledge
  1. TypeScript 2.0 Release Notes
  2. TypeScript Advanced Types
  3. TypeScript Type Inference

Frequently Asked Question

TypeScript dynamic property selection got you stuck with the “"This expression is not constructable" error? Worry not, mate! We’ve got the answers to set you free!

What does the “"This expression is not constructable" error even mean?

This error occurs when TypeScript can’t ensure the existence of a property at compile-time. It means the property access is too dynamic, and TypeScript can’t construct the type safely. Think of it as TypeScript saying, “Hey, I’m not sure if this property exists, so I’m not gonna let you access it!”

How do I fix the “"This expression is not constructable" error?

To fix this error, you can use the `as` keyword to assert the type of the property. For example, `(myObject as { [key: string]: any })[dynamicKey]`. This tells TypeScript that you know what you’re doing and that the property exists. Just remember, with great power comes great responsibility!

What’s the difference between “constructable” and “indexable” in TypeScript?

In TypeScript, “constructable” refers to the ability to create a type that can be used to create an object. “Indexable”, on the other hand, refers to the ability to access a property using a key (like an array or an object). When TypeScript says an expression is not constructable, it’s saying that it can’t create a type that can be used to access the property. Make sense? 🤯

Can I use the `any` type to fix the “"This expression is not constructable" error?

Technically, yes, you can use the `any` type to fix the error. But, be warned, using `any` can lead to type safety issues and make your code more prone to errors. It’s like turning off TypeScript’s safety features and saying, “I know what I’m doing (but maybe I don’t)” 😉. Instead, try to use more specific types or assertions to ensure type safety.

Are there any scenarios where the “"This expression is not constructable" error is unavoidable?

Yes, in some cases, the error might be unavoidable, like when working with external libraries or APIs that use dynamic property access. In such cases, you might need to use workarounds like using `any` or assertions to get around the error. However, always consider the trade-offs and potential risks before opting for these solutions.