Mastering Kprobe: A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Get Sys Call Params in Krobe Pre_Handler in X86
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Mastering Kprobe: A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Get Sys Call Params in Krobe Pre_Handler in X86

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Are you tired of struggling to get system call parameters in your Kprobe pre_handler? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take you by the hand and walk you through the process of getting sys call params in Krobe pre_handler, specifically tailored for X86 architecture.

What is Kprobe and Why Do We Need It?

Kprobe is a powerful kernel module that allows you to dynamically insert probes into the Linux kernel, enabling you to monitor and analyze system calls, functions, and kernel events. By tapping into the kernel’s internal workings, you can gain valuable insights into system behavior, performance, and security.

But why do we need Kprobe? Well, it’s essential for various use cases, such as:

  • Systemcall tracing and analysis
  • Performance monitoring and optimization
  • Security auditing and debugging
  • Kernel development and testing

Understanding the Pre_Handler Function

In Kprobe, the pre_handler function is a critical component that allows you to execute custom code before the probed function is called. This function receives the system call number and its corresponding arguments as parameters.

However, getting sys call params in the pre_handler can be a bit tricky. That’s why we’re here to guide you through the process!

Getting Sys Call Params in Krobe Pre_Handler: A Step-by-Step Approach

Here’s a step-by-step guide to getting sys call params in Krobe pre_handler:

  1. Include the necessary headers:

    #include <linux/kprobes.h>
    #include <linux/ptrace.h>

    These headers provide the necessary functions and structures for working with Kprobes.

  2. Declare the pre_handler function:

    static int __kprobes my_pre_handler(struct kprobe *p, struct pt_regs *regs)

    This function takes two parameters: the kprobe structure and the pt_regs structure, which contains the system call number and arguments.

  3. Get the system call number:

    unsigned long syscall_nr = regs->orig_ax;

    The system call number is stored in the orig_ax register.

  4. Get the system call parameters:

    unsigned long arg1 = regs->di;
    unsigned long arg2 = regs->si;
    unsigned long arg3 = regs->dx;
    unsigned long arg4 = regs->cx;
    unsigned long arg5 = regs->r8;
    unsigned long arg6 = regs->r9;

    The system call parameters are stored in the respective registers (di, si, dx, cx, r8, and r9).

  5. Process the system call parameters:

    You can now process the system call parameters as needed. For example, you can print the parameters using printk:

    printk(KERN_INFO "Syscall %lu: arg1=%lu, arg2=%lu, arg3=%lu, arg4=%lu, arg5=%lu, arg6=%lu\n",
            syscall_nr, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6);

    This will print the system call number and its corresponding arguments to the kernel log.

Example Code: Putting it All Together

Here’s an example code snippet that demonstrates how to get sys call params in Krobe pre_handler:

#include <linux/kprobes.h>
#include <linux/ptrace.h>

static int __kprobes my_pre_handler(struct kprobe *p, struct pt_regs *regs)
    unsigned long syscall_nr = regs->orig_ax;
    unsigned long arg1 = regs->di;
    unsigned long arg2 = regs->si;
    unsigned long arg3 = regs->dx;
    unsigned long arg4 = regs->cx;
    unsigned long arg5 = regs->r8;
    unsigned long arg6 = regs->r9;

    printk(KERN_INFO "Syscall %lu: arg1=%lu, arg2=%lu, arg3=%lu, arg4=%lu, arg5=%lu, arg6=%lu\n",
            syscall_nr, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6);

    return 0;

static struct kprobe my_kprobe = {
    .pre_handler = my_pre_handler,

static int __init my_init(void)
    int ret = register_kprobe(&my_kprobe);
    if (ret < 0) {
        printk(KERN_ERR "register_kprobe failed, returned %d\n", ret);
        return ret;
    printk(KERN_INFO "Kprobe registered\n");
    return 0;

static void __exit my_exit(void)
    printk(KERN_INFO "Kprobe unregistered\n");


This code registers a Kprobe on the sys_execve system call and prints the system call number and its corresponding arguments to the kernel log.


In this article, we’ve provided a comprehensive guide on how to get sys call params in Krobe pre_handler in X86 architecture. By following these steps, you can effectively tap into system calls and extract valuable information for your specific use case.

Remember to always keep your Kprobe code efficient, secure, and well-documented to ensure optimal system performance and stability.

Keyword Description
Kprobe A Linux kernel module for dynamic probe insertion
Pre_Handler A function that executes custom code before the probed function is called
Sys Call Params Parameters passed to a system call, such as arguments and return values
X86 A popular processor architecture used in many computers and devices

We hope this article has been informative and helpful in your Kprobe development journey. If you have any questions or need further clarification, please don’t hesitate to ask!

Frequently Asked Question

Unravel the mysteries of getting sys call params in krobe pre_handler in x86 with our top 5 FAQs!

Q1: What is the best way to access system call parameters in kprobe pre_handler?

You can access system call parameters in kprobe pre_handler by using the `regs` argument, which is a pointer to the pt_regs structure. This structure contains the registers of the process at the time of the system call, including the parameters passed to the system call. You can use the `regs->ax`, `regs->di`, `regs->si`, `regs->dx`, `regs->cx`, and `regs->r8` to `regs->r11` registers to access the parameters.

Q2: How do I know which registers contain the system call parameters?

The registers that contain the system call parameters depend on the system call and the architecture. For x86, the first 6 parameters are passed in the registers `rdi`, `rsi`, `rdx`, `rcx`, `r8`, and `r9`, in that order. If there are more than 6 parameters, the remaining parameters are passed on the stack. You can refer to the Linux kernel documentation and the x86 ABI documentation for more information.

Q3: Can I use `current->regs` instead of the `regs` argument?

No, you should not use `current->regs` instead of the `regs` argument. `current->regs` is not always accurate, especially in kprobe pre_handlers, because the registers may not be up-to-date. The `regs` argument is a more reliable way to access the registers, as it is provided by the kprobe infrastructure.

Q4: How do I handle system calls with variable numbers of parameters?

To handle system calls with variable numbers of parameters, you need to parse the system call number and the parameter list accordingly. You can use the `sys_getargc` and `sys_getargv` functions to get the number of arguments and the argument values, respectively. These functions are provided by the Linux kernel and can be used in kprobe pre_handlers.

Q5: Are there any performance considerations when accessing system call parameters in kprobe pre_handlers?

Yes, there are performance considerations when accessing system call parameters in kprobe pre_handlers. Because kprobe pre_handlers are executed in the context of the system call, they should be as lightweight as possible to minimize overhead. Avoid using expensive operations, such as memory allocation or complex computations, when accessing system call parameters. Instead, focus on simple and efficient operations to minimize the impact on system performance.