Vuetify Tabs System Bug: The Ultimate Fix Guide
Image by Melo -

Vuetify Tabs System Bug: The Ultimate Fix Guide

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Vuetify, the popular Vue.js UI framework, is known for its elegant and customizable components. However, like any other complex system, it’s not immune to bugs. One of the most frustrating issues developers face is the Vuetify tabs system bug. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive into the problem, identify the culprits, and provide a step-by-step solution to get your tabs working like a charm.

What’s the Vuetify Tabs System Bug?

The Vuetify tabs system bug manifests in different ways, but the most common symptoms include:

  • tabs not switching properly
  • incorrect active tab highlighting
  • duplicate or missing tabs
  • erratic behavior when using routing or lazy loading

These issues can be caused by a variety of factors, including:

  • incorrect implementation of the v-tabs component
  • conflicts with other Vuetify components or third-party libraries
  • improper use of Vue.js lifecycle hooks
  • version incompatibilities between Vuetify and Vue.js

Step 1: Verify Your Vuetify Installation and Configuration

Before we dive into the bug fix, ensure you have a correct Vuetify installation and configuration. Follow these steps:

  1. Run npm install vuetify or yarn add vuetify to ensure you have the latest version of Vuetify.
  2. Import Vuetify in your main.js file: import Vuetify from 'vuetify';
  3. Initialize Vuetify with the required components: Vue.use(Vuetify);
  4. Create a new instance of Vuetify: export default new Vuetify();

Step 2: Inspect Your Tabs Implementation

Take a closer look at your v-tabs implementation. Make sure you’re using the correct syntax and props:

  <v-tabs v-model="selectedTab">
    <v-tab>Tab 1</v-tab>
    <v-tab>Tab 2</v-tab>
    <v-tab>Tab 3</v-tab>
  <v-tabs-items v-model="selectedTab">
    <v-tab-item>Tab 1 content</v-tab-item>
    <v-tab-item>Tab 2 content</v-tab-item>
    <v-tab-item>Tab 3 content</v-tab-item>

  export default {
    data() {
      return {
        selectedTab: null

Common mistakes in tabs implementation include:

  • forgetting to bind the v-model prop to a data property
  • using incorrect or missing v-tab and v-tab-item components
  • not wrapping the tabs in a containing element (e.g., v-tabs-wrap)

Step 3: Identify and Resolve Conflicts

Vuetify’s tabs system can conflict with other components or libraries. Check for:

  • overlapping CSS styles or classes
  • conflicting JavaScript event listeners or lifecycle hooks
  • version incompatibilities between Vuetify and other dependencies

To resolve conflicts, try:

  • using scoped CSS styles or unique class names
  • using Vue.js lifecycle hooks (e.g., beforeMount, mounted) to manage component initialization
  • updating dependencies to the latest compatible versions

Step 4: Utilize Vue.js Lifecycle Hooks

Vuetify’s tabs system relies on Vue.js lifecycle hooks to function correctly. Make sure you’re using the correct hooks to initialize and update your tabs:

  export default {
    beforeMount() {
      // Initialize tabs data or perform API calls
    mounted() {
      // Update tabs or perform DOM manipulation
    updated() {
      // Update tabs or perform DOM manipulation after data changes

Common mistakes in lifecycle hooks include:

  • using the wrong hook (e.g., using mounted instead of beforeMount)
  • not using the updated hook to update tabs after data changes
  • performing DOM manipulation outside of Vue.js lifecycle hooks

Step 5: Implement Routing and Lazy Loading Correctly

If you’re using routing or lazy loading with your tabs, ensure you’re implementing it correctly:

  <v-tabs v-model="selectedTab">
    <v-tab>Tab 1</v-tab>
    <v-tab>Tab 2</v-tab>
    <v-tab>Tab 3</v-tab>

  export default {
    data() {
      return {
        selectedTab: null

Common mistakes in routing and lazy loading include:

  • not using the correct router configuration (e.g., vue-router)
  • not using lazy loading correctly (e.g., using vue-router with lazy prop)
  • not updating the tabs correctly when navigating between routes


The Vuetify tabs system bug can be frustrating, but by following these steps, you’ll be able to identify and resolve the root cause of the issue. Remember to verify your Vuetify installation and configuration, inspect your tabs implementation, identify and resolve conflicts, utilize Vue.js lifecycle hooks, and implement routing and lazy loading correctly.

Common Mistakes Solutions
Incorrect tabs implementation Verify v-tabs syntax and props
Conflicts with other components or libraries Use scoped CSS styles, unique class names, and Vue.js lifecycle hooks
Incorrect use of Vue.js lifecycle hooks Use correct hooks (e.g., beforeMount, mounted, updated)
Routing and lazy loading issues Use correct router configuration, lazy loading, and update tabs correctly when navigating between routes

By following this comprehensive guide, you’ll be able to troubleshoot and fix the Vuetify tabs system bug, ensuring your application’s tabs function seamlessly and provide a great user experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

Got troubles with Vuetify tabs system? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Check out these frequently asked questions to get your issues resolved in no time!

Why do my Vuetify tabs not display correctly?

Make sure you have properly wrapped your tabs in a `v-tabs` component and that each tab is a child of a `v-tab` component. Also, check if you have any CSS styles overriding the default Vuetify styles.

How do I fix the issue where my tabs are not switching correctly?

This issue is often caused by not providing a unique `key` prop to each tab. Make sure to assign a unique key to each tab using the `:key` shorthand.

Why is my Vuetify tabs system not responsive?

Ensure that you have included the Vuetify CSS file in your project and that you have not overridden the default responsive styles. If you’re using a custom layout, make sure to add the `v-tabs` component inside a container with a fixed width.

How do I customize the appearance of my Vuetify tabs?

You can customize the appearance of your Vuetify tabs by using the built-in props such as `color`, `fixed-tabs`, and `grow`. You can also use CSS to override the default styles or add your own custom classes.

Can I use Vuetify tabs with other UI frameworks?

While Vuetify is designed to work seamlessly with Vue.js, you can still use the Vuetify tabs system with other UI frameworks by manually importing and configuring the necessary components and styles.